
 By: Rev. Daniel Mode

"He gave his life - that's what Christ did. . . The only way I can justify it, is that he did it because that is what he had to do, and is he is really going to be a Priest and a Christian there really can't be any other way. I came back to the Church because of Fr. Capodanno, in my life, he is a saint."  - Corporal James Hamfeldt

This is the story of a Catholic Priest who served his Marines but it is also their stories that make it so real. Do you have a son or a nephew serving in the military and facing an uncertain future in a troubled world? Here is a book to help them see how a Christian man lives and dies in service to God and country.

Also available in Hard Cover

ISBN 1891280-08-2 Catalog No. 33

Qty available: -2239